So Ata Tarabar Atlas can help you find the right international shipping option to meet your needs and products.

Ata Tarabar Atlas

Ata Tarabar Atlas International Transport Company is a subsidiary of Fooladyar .Co which to the reg. No. 57369 in 2013 was established. The skilled managers with more than three decades of experience have proud alongside a professional, committed, efficient, and motivated team, to offer the best favorable service to our customers. Currently, Ata Tarabar Atlas has a headquarters in Khorasan Razavi, Mashhad, Zist-e Khavar trade Complex and in Neyshabur so has 20,000 m2 of general ware houses space under the supervision of the customs office , has an active and independent representation. In addition to the above offices, in Bandar Abbas and most of the port of entry of the country the company has active representation .In the beginning, the export, import, road and rail Transit of goods through Iran, was the main landscape of the Ata Tarabar Atlas. But due to general development policies of the company as well as the limitations and according to customer demand, colleagues and business partners, other activities (sea and air) in the field of transportation to other affairs was added. The most important goal of Ata Tarabar Atlas is to satisfy customers. Given the presence of an experienced board, expert executives and empowered staff who, with their intelligent approaches, have enabled the company to provide facilities to customers and achieves the desired purpose and provide the platform for more effective presence on global markets.
Strategic geographic position of Ata Tarabar Atlas co. in the east of the country due to neighborhood with CIS & Caucasus countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan , on the one hand, and having the appropriate equipment , such as public warehouses (outdoor-indoor) on the other hand, under the supervision of the customs, with 22 lot warehouses with a total area of 9000 square meters and a paved dock with an area of 5000 square meters in Khorasan Razavi province, Neyshabur city, collaborate with more than 100 tow truck and standard types trailers and the use of skilled and qualified staff, the requirements for providing the best possible services for customers with competitive advantage. In recent years, Sanctions against Iran has caused a lot of problems in various industries that Shipping industry as well is no exception, so that many international transport and shipping companies direct or indirect have been affected.
Ata Tarabar Atlas has been overcome to these problems by manipulating experienced managers, motivated staff and sympathetic representatives with appropriate and on time policies and offer the best solutions to our esteemed customers in export, Import and transit fields.

Read More: Our Mission | Our Vission | International Maritime Organization

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So Ata Tarabar Atlas can help you find the right international shipping option to meet your needs and products.

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Ata Tarabar Atlas іѕ a full ѕеrvісе logistics & cargo company, оur аіm іѕ tо gіvе the bеѕt to оur various clients аt аffоrаblе рrісе. At Logiscargo, we аrе unceasingly progressing making research continuously аnd improving оur ѕеrvісеѕ to thе hіghеѕt ѕtаndаrdѕ.

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